Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Traveling Light

Life is a journey. Knowing what to pack and how to pack can make the trip more enjoyable. Jesus provided his Disciples with some clear instructions regarding their journey in Matthew 10. His instruction was "Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts; take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or a staff." What was the reason for this instruction? The answer is priority. The disciples were to put their faith in God to provide for their daily needs. Another reason is simplicity - keeping things simple. Life is complicated enough. Jesus wanted his disciples to be focused on what mattered the most. It was all about priorities. Thus Jesus' instructions to travel light. What are you carrying that is weighting you down in your spiritual journey? Why not try lightening the load, getting rid of the excess baggage, and being more trusting of God and less worried about life's cares? Our spiritual journey is all about priority.


Sharon said...

Bro. Gregg, you sure have hit the nail on the head! It's all about our PRIORITIES. When the popular book "Purpose Driven Life" came out, I found it to have many good things to say, yet it seemed to be off the mark in God's designed relationship between man and He. Our life is not all about us, and our 'purpose', having that be more important, a priority if you will, over thanking, loving and serving the One who gave us the purpose! My two cents worth. Just wanted to say Excellent posts! Thanks so much for sharing!

Pastor Gregg said...

Thanks for your "two cents" worth. It's worth a lot more.