I must have heard this question dozens and dozens of times in the course of my conversations with people about the call of God. It is an important question to ask as one pursues God's will for their life, especially when it comes to ministry. Knowing that you are called will keep you going during the rough and difficult and challenging times of ministry. The call is something one can always turn back to, if "you know that you know that you know" you are called.
If God has called you, He will make that call clear to you. There will be the witness of three: God's Word (Scripture), God's Spirit dwelling within you, and the witness of a mature Christian friend. All three will confirm the call. All three will agree. God can and does use your local church and close Christian friends to help make your call clear.
Somewhere during the course of my years in ministry, I came across these five "tests" which can help you to discern the genuineness of your call. The five tests are:
1. The test of "grace." Are you saved? Do you live a holy life? Is the fruit of the Spirit evident in your life?
2. The test of "gifts." Are you being used in the Spiritual gifts?
3. The test of "fruit." Are you influencing others? Are you open about your faith? Have you led others closer to the Lord through your witness?
4. The test of "an abiding sense of a divine call." Is there an inner awareness of God's leading? Do you feel like you have this passionate drive to serve others? Are you ready to pay the price and give yourself wholeheartedly to the preparation needed to fulfill God's calling?
5. The test of "open doors." Has the Lord opened doors for your preparation for ministry? Have you had opportunities to use your talents and giftings in your present setting in the local church?
Theses are all good questions to ask yourself. If you are answering them in a positive way, it is very likely that you can be sure of God's call in your life.
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