Tuesday, January 23, 2007

How do I know God's call?

This is a question I have been asked often. It's a good question to ask because what we really are asking is how can I discern God's will or plan for my life. I like the story of Peter's calling in Luke 5. In this passage, we find Peter cleaning the fishing nets in preparation for the next night of fishing. Jesus is near by teaching. In order to get Peter's full attention, Jesus steps into Peter's boat along the shore and invites Peter to get into the boat with him and push out a little from the shore. Peter is now in a position and place to clearly hear what Jesus is speaking without any distractions. That to me is the key to discovering God's call and knowing it is God who is speaking.

There are those who have proclaimed to have heard God's audible voice. That is very possible. But for most of us the call has occurred in a much more subtle way. It began with a hunger and thirsting to draw closer to God, to know Him in a deeper way. There is a diesire to study His Word and spend time with God and with other believers. Others have said that they had a "mental conversation" with God. That is, it was as if they and God were having a conversation in their thoughts. There is this awareness that God is asking more of us, to sort of step up to the plate and join His team. Still, for others, there is just an inner sense or feeling that one must just say "yes" to God's call. There is this "tugging" at one's heart to give all to God.

Again the key is being in a quiet place and position, without distractions, in order to be able to discern what God is saying. specifically to you. And then launch out in faith as did Peter, into deep water. The call may appear to have unreasonable demands, but it requires faithfulness and obedience. It involves cooperation and sharing with others around you. The call results in complete surrender and commitment to a new and much more rewarding task. Read Luke 5:1-11 for yourself and observe Peter's call to a Kingdom task. The call is not about "me." It is about doing the will of God.

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