Monday, December 04, 2006

Healthy Team Ministry

I left this past Saturday for my annual Secretary/Treasure conference and will not be back until late Thursday night. This year the meetings are in San Diego. It is amazing how the three hour time difference affects me. About the time that I adapt to this change it will be time to readapt.

On my six hour flight out here, I was able to read the book, Leading the Team-Based Church, by George Cladis. He shares seven attributes of a healthy leadership team approach to ministry. They are the covenanting team, the visionary team, the cuture creating team, the collaborative team, the trusting team, the empowering team, and the learning team.

A great example of team based ministry can be seen in the four who carried the paralytic to Jesus (Mark 2:1-5). Shared ministry can accomplish so much more than a single or lone ranger style of ministry.

Have a great week!

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