Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Call

Elijah had faced the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel and had won. He then fled to Horeb to hide from Jezebel who wanted to put him to death. Alone on the mountain, God appears to Elijah in his moment of despair. A conversation follows. God reveals to Elijah that he is not alone, that there are seven thousand more just like him throughout Israel. In fact, God directs Elijah to leave his mountain hideout and go and anoint his successor.

Elijah obediently follows the Lord's direction (1 Kings 19:19-21). He finds Elisha in a field plowing. Elijah places his mantle upon Elisha. Elisha recognizes what is happening. Elisha goes home and prepares for his future calling. He says his good byes and celebrates by sacrificing his possessions. He then sets out to follow Elijah as his assistant.

Who will rise up to lead God's church? Who am I anointing as my successor? Will I recognize that individual in God's timing? Who am I mentoring and spending time with in order to prepare a future leader? These are good questions for all of us to ponder.

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