Monday, October 16, 2006

Empowering Ministry Leaders

I am at Valley Forge Christian College this week for my AGTS graduate class on Effective Leadership. I am looking forward to my time in class discussing leadership with my peers. I will try to do some posting this week but I am not sure how or when I may get around to doing so. So my thoughts this morning turn to empoweing leadership.

Bennis and Mesche in their book, "The 21st Century Organization," define empowerment as "removing bureaucratic boundaries that box people in and keep them from making the most effective use of all their skills, experiences, energies, and ambitions. It means allowing them to develop a sense of ownership over the parts of the process that are uniquely their responsibility, while at the same time demanding that they accept a share of the broader responsibility and ownership of the whole process" [36].

Empowering means "letting go." Leaders of growing churches concentrate on empowering other Christians for ministry. The question is what does an empowering leader look like? What are the qualities of such a person? Here are some qualities to consider.

Empowering leaders are vsionary, relational, modelers, delegators, reproducers, and coaches. Our greatest example of an empowering leader is Jesus Christ.

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