Jeanne & I are presently reading Proverbs during our morning devotional time. This is what we read today:
Proverbs 8:12-21 The Message
12 "I am Lady Wisdom, and I live next to Sanity;
Knowledge and Discretion live just down the street.
13 The Fear-of-God means hating Evil,
whose ways I hate with a passion —
pride and arrogance and crooked talk.
14 Good counsel and common sense are my characteristics;
I am both Insight and the Virtue to live it out.
15 With my help, leaders rule,and lawmakers legislate fairly;
16 With my help, governors govern,
along with all in legitimate authority.
17 I love those who love me;
those who look for me find me.
18 Wealth and Glory accompany me —
also substantial Honor and a Good Name.
19 My benefits are worth more than a big salary, even a very big salary;
the returns on me exceed any imaginable bonus.
20 You can find me on Righteous Road — that's where I walk —
at the intersection of Justice Avenue,
21 Handing out life to those who love me,
filling their arms with life — armloads of life!
At first Jeanne & I burst out laughing when I read out loud the words "I am Lady Wisdom, and I live next to Sanity..." We joked together that she must be lady wisdom and I, sanity and wondered if maybe sanity is the best way to describe me as I can be pretty weird and insane according to some of my young 18 to 20 something friends. But in all seriousness, the words above provide us who are in ministry a wealth of instruction on how to live and minister.
Almost daily I talk or counsel with a pastor by phone who is facing some level of conflict with a board member or church member. I remember some of my own blunders throughout my ministry and now in hindsight realize what a dumb or ignorant decision I made. If only I had gone to "Lady Wisdom." How often do we make foolish decisions in the course of our life that results in unnecessary emotional pain or affliction either to ourself or toward someone else. There really is good counsel in the above passage for us who are leaders. I hope you will take note of that counsel. I wish our politicians and school board members would listen to the counsel of Lady Wisdom.
Peter Drucker said, “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Leading is about good character and integrity. It is about setting priorities and high standards for life in both the private and public setting. Read again the words of wisdom above and as you do so ask the questions: Am I seeking after Lady Wisdom who lives next door to sanity? Is knowledge and discretion nearby me? If so, you can be sure that insight, virtue, honor, justice, wealth, righteousness, and love is nearby. Your arms will be filled with Life!
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