This past Saturday, I had the privilege of hanging out with 14 twenty somethings on the lake with my boat. These Gen-Xer's are probably the most forgotten generation in our churches. Yet, they have so much talent and ability if we will just tap into them by building relationships with them individually. We had an absolute blast, tubing, wake boarding, playing volleyball, and just plain "chill'in". Talking individually with them, I am learning alot about their hopes, dreams, struggles, and desire in wanting to be used of God.
Today begins a week long bootcamp in our District. It's an intense time of training in areas of church planting and church health. Our District in hosting it and I am looking forward to hanging out with some really serious "go getters" for the Kingdom of God. Hopefully, I will be able to post a few tidbits gleaned this week on my blog for you.
I am a 20-something living in Minneapolis on the road of planting a church that is to 20 and 30 somethings. I have found so many in this group, including non-Christians, have so much to offer and would be willing to, but they feel that the church just isn't communicating in a way they are interested in.
It's great to hear when leaders, especially pastors, take an active interest in hanging out and just live life with those who have the energy and the passion to seriously alter the world. Keep it up!
Eric, I was a church planter too back in the 80's. The church is still thriving today. I'm glad to hear that you are not only a twenty something doing something for God but that you are a church planter reaching out to the twenty somethings. Be faithful!!! I do hope you don't exclude us older folk from your work though. What I am discovering is that you guys a looking for authentic relationships from mentors and coaches - people you can look up to.
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