If you are sincerely interested and desirous of being an impact player in the Kingdon of God, then this book is for you: Off-Road Disciplines: Spiritual Adventures of Missional Leaders. It is written by a good friend, Earl Creps. Earl approaches the disciplines in a different manner. He explores 12 central disciplines. Six are personal: death, truth, perspective, learning, witness, and humility. Six are organizational: assessment, harmony, reflection, opportunity, sacrifice, and legacy.
There other ways of encountering God, outside of the spiritual disciples such as prayer and Bible reading. I have personally been inspired and challenged by Richard Foster's book, "Celebration of Discipline" and Dallas Willard's book, "The Spirit of the Disciplines." These authors have radically changed my personal disciplines.
However, Earl's book leads me on a new journey of understanding and appreciation of God's unique and personal working in my life. If you are wanting to understand our post-modern culture and are intent on effectively reaching culture, this reading is for you. Dan Kimball says it well in the forward of Earl's book: "Earl writes about the most important thing he has discovered in all his exploring of the Church: the life of the missional leader and its effect on a missional organization."
No, I am not pushing the book because a friend wrote it. I am pushing it because we need to do church differently. Read the book and then share your thoughts with me. You can order it through Amazon. A free download of an excerpt from Off-Road Disciplines is available at this link. http://www.agts.edu/faculty/faculty_publications/articles/creps_offroad_disciplines.pdf
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