Carpe Diem literally means "pluck the day." Or as it became known from the film, Dead Poet Society, starring Robin Williams, "seize the day." In my devotions with Jeanne this morning, we were reading the story of the blind begger, Bartimaeus, and his encounter with Jesus on the road outside of Jericho (Mark 10:46-52). When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing near by, he cried out for mercy. The crowd traveling with Jesus basically told Bartimaeus to be quiet, but he continued to cry out for mercy. Jesus stopped by him, listened to his request and healed the man.
My thought on finishing the reading was, that we like Bartimaeus, must not let opportunity pass us by. Today is our day for salvation, deliverance and healing. But on further thought during my commute to the office, I realized that I cannot miss an opportunity to reach out and touch someone in need. I must "pluck" or "cease" the opportunity that calls out to me. Lord, help me to hear that voice of desperation in the midst of the many voices that may be trying to drown it out.
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