Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Five Steps to Becoming a Better Listener

We can improve our social life by becoming better listeners. I have been reading Proverbs during my early morning devotions. I am amazed at the number of times the writer says, "listen." I guess I should be counting them, but I haven't. Become a better listener by:

1. Committing yourself to real change. Change is a choice. I choose to learn to listen. Think about how listening better could change or improve your relationship with others.

2. Getting feedback from someone who knows you well. Ask a close friend how they think you can improve your listening skills. Speaking of friends, the Bible says, there is a friend that sticks closer to you than a brother. Have you talked to God about this?

3. Being watchful. Pay attention to your behavior. When are you most likely not to listen effectively? Pay attention to the habit that you are trying to change. Discipline one's self.

4. Using your failures as an opportunity. When you revert to your old habit of not listening, think about how you could have handled that situation better if it were to happen again in the future. I have learned this saying that was shared with me along time ago, "The only time you fail is the last time you try."

5. Keep on trying. Life is a school. No matter how well or bad one is doing, the key is to keep on trying and learning new approaches to doing things. Why keep doing the same thing over that you don't like about yourself? Try something different. This leads me back to the first step, change.

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