Here I am sitting at Maine Bean, sipping my coffee, and looking forward to this day off, after a very busy three days in Manchester, NH, earlier this week. I was at our District Council, an annual meeting for business, fellowship, and inspiration for ministers and delegates of the Northern New England District.
Our District celebrated its fiftieth anniversary as a district. It was in 1957 that Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont Assembly churches separated from the three southern New England states to form its own District. That division resulted in the growth of many more churches in both districts over the course of half a century.
Many of our former leaders were present to celebrate together what the Lord has done. I had the opportunity to sit with one of these precious men who was ordained in that very first Council and later became Secretary and Treasurer at different times (separate offices at the time) for the Northern New England District. Having read the minutes of that first Council, I could not help but ask Keith Terry what the atmosphere of that Council was like as they met to adopt a Constitution and Bylaws and to elect its officers. Brother Terry eyes lit up and responded with enthusiasm with one word, "exhilerating!"
I think that's a pretty good description for our faith journey - exhilerating! That doesn't mean that life is not withouts its challenges. However, it does mean that in spite of life's challenges, there is excitement and fullfillment. I look forward with anticipation as to what God will do in the next fifty years (Lord willing) with our District, congregations, and ministers. May we carry on with the task God has called each one of us to, with faithfulness and enthusiasm. Serving God is exhilerating!
Bro. Gregg,
I'm glad to see you back! I usually read your blog via RSS feed, and I've been wondering where you were and why you haven't posted lately. I just wanted to encourage you, and let you know you've been missed in the blogging world!
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