But there is another Son to soak ourselves in. He is Jesus. Memorial Day is set aside to honor and remember the sacrifices by many so that we might enjoy our freedom. My thoughts turn to my dad, who would turn 100 this October, if he were still living. He passed away in 1989 at the age of 82. He was proud to have served in the North African and Italian campaigns during World War II, with the 85th Infantry Division, 85th Signal Company. So I honor him with my thoughts.
I also honor Jesus with my thoughts too. He sacrificed His life that I might be free from sin. We observe Him and His work on the cross through communion. The cup and bread is a memorial of all that He has given us - abundant life - now and in the future.
So as you begin your summer activities, give thanks and honor, to both the living and dead who have served in our armed forces - and honor and give thanks to God for His Son Jesus.
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