Why do we exist? That is an often asked question. In Ephesians 3, Paul had the answer. This chapter begins in transition. He begins by saying, "For this reason . . . " What are the reasons? Look back to earlier verses for the answer.
(Eph. 2:1) we are no longer dead in our trespasses or sins.
(Eph. 2:4-5) we are alive in Christ.
(Eph. 2:8-9) God has given us grace through Jesus Christ.
(Eph. 2:13, 16) God has reconciled us through Christ.
We exist for a purpose. That purpose or reason is our mission. It is to be stewards of God's mercy and grace. The NIV uses the word "administrations." The idea being presented by Paul is that we have been entrusted as keepers, guardians, overseers of God's wonderful grace.
Then what is expected from us as stewards of God's grace? Paul answers that question too in chapter 3.
Verse 7: We are to be a minister. This does not mean ministry is for clergy. Everyone in the church is a minister.
Verse 8: We are to preach to unbelievers. Maybe "preaching" is not the best choice of words. But we are to proclaim God's grace to all.
Verses 9-10: We are to make known to everyone the will of God. Just what is the will of God? That all might be saved.
These are just a few of my thoughts on this passage as I prepare my "talk" for the Paradigm "gathering" of twenty and thirty something adults this coming Friday.
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