Thursday, March 08, 2007

Throwing Off The Cloak

It has been a few days since I last left a blog. I am still in the midst of traveling to our sectional councils. I have traveled some 2100 miles in the past week and half with little opportunity to post my thoughts. Two more councils to go and I will be done and hopefully can get back into some routine.

As I was reading Mark 10:46-52, the calling of the blind beggar, I was struck by what he did. When he was told that Jesus was calling him to come to him, the beggar threw off his cloak and ran to Jesus. How odd. I would think that a beggar would be very protective of the very few possessions he had, especially his cloak. It was probably the most important piece of clothing he had. It provided him warmth and possibly some protection from the elements. Yet, at the invitation of Jesus, he threw it down. I don't think that blind Bartimaeus would have thrown his cloak down if he didn't believe that Jesus had something better to offer him.

The Hebrew writer wrote: "Let us throw off everything that hinders . . ." (Hebrews 12:1).

What cloaks are hindering your faith? Pride? Fear? Bitterness? Unforgiveness? Unbelief? Worldly allurements? Worldly possessions? I'm sure you can think of possible some more cloaks to add to list that can interfere with our running to Jesus to receive from him what he has to offer. What Jesus has to offer is much better than what we already have.

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