Monday, March 26, 2007

Getting Out From Under Financial Bondage

We have a responsibility as believers to use discretion and balance in the handling of our personal and church finances. Here are six steps that you can take to assist yourself with getting out of financial difficulties.

1. Make sure you are tithing. This is biblical. Tithe from your "first fruits" and not from the "left overs."
2. Prayerfully ask the Lord to help you separate your personal needs from your wants.
3. Avoid the easy credit trap. If you can't afford to buy it with cash, don't buy it.
4. Learn to say "no" to your appetite for possessions.
5. Communicate with your creditors and apply as much as much as you can monthly to pay off your debt.
6. Live within the reality of your means when it comes to occasional gifts for family and friends.

God wants us to prosper, however, we are to be His servants and not the servant to lenders and debtors. God must always be placed first when it comes to our finances.

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