In reading Acts 3:1-10, think about three these three thoughts. Peter and John are on the way to the Temple to pray when they see a crippled beggar.
1. What did the cripple man see when Peter and John said, "Look at us."? Did the man notice what they were wearing? Did he see just a physical appearance of Peter or John? or did he something more? Just what do people see when they look at you?
2. You can't give what you don't have. Peter and John did not have any silver or gold to give to the beggar. But they did have something else to give - the power of Jesus Christ within them, to heal the man. What do you have to give? Spiritual power or material resources? What is needed more in your life?
3. What you do have to give, where does it come from? Peter and John reveal the source of their power in their response to the amazed crowd that witness the healing. "Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we have made this man walk?" (Acts 3:12) Later in Acts 4:7, the religious leaders questioned Peter and John, "By what power or what name did you do this?" In verse 13 of Acts 4, the religious took note that Peter and John were just "unschooled, ordinary men" who had been with Jesus. Where does what you do have come from? Is it from God? Is it from self effort?
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