Monday, February 19, 2007

Authentic Relevant Influence

I am presently reading a book for my AGTS graduate class called, Spiritual Gifts: A Fresh Look by David Lim. I would like to share three quotes from Lim's introduction as food for thought.

"Perfection in the person who operates the gift is not the issue - genuineness and sincerity are."

"W. I. Evans exhorts: 'The need of the Pentecostal people is not primarily to pray for the gifts. Gifts are here. Our need is to seek God and press into God in living faith so that the gifts lying dormant, enough to set the world on fire, may come into exercise.'"

"The church will be as relevant as the people who compose it and will change as the people grow with the times and mature in Christ."

Three words come to mind as I wrote these quotes: authenticity, relevancy, and influence. What are your thoughts as you read these words? Let me know.

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