Saturday, April 05, 2008

8 Distrinctive Traits of New Englanders

Stephen Macchia in his book, Becoming A Healthy Church: 10 Characteristics, identifies eight distinctive traits of New Englanders. They are:

1. New Englanders tend to resist change.
2. New Englanders tend to value tradition.
3. New Englanders tend to be Roman Catholic.
4. New Englanders tend to have a secular mind-set.
5. New Englanders tend to be self-reliant.
6. New Englanders tend to be reserved.
7. New Englanders tend to favor insiders.
8. New Englanders tend to operate locally.

What think you? Are these really reflective of only New England? Or do they reflect 21st century culture in general? Do these affect how you do ministry? If so, how? If not, why not?

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