A New Year is before us. Happy New Year everyone!
I was reading James 5:7-12 this morning in preparation for a small group study wth some really awesome twenty-somethings on Friday night. As I was reading the words "Just say yes or no" (James 5:12 from THE MESSAGE) my thoughts turned to a gift that I had received from a dear friend many, many years ago. I was about to begin a passage or spiritual journey as a church planter here in Maine. I was leaving the comforts and the known of New Jersey for the unknown. Jean gave me a framed, hand painted picture of vines surrounding the words "Yes Lord" written in Old English. That gold framed gift still graces the wall of my office and is a daily reminder to me of my commitment to God and His plan for my life, regardless what it might be, whether known or unknown.
"Yes Lord" has led me a long way in my 36 year (and unfinished) spiritual journey. Which brings me to my point this morning found in Hebrews 11:40. I turned to Hebrews 11 after reading the James passage to refresh my thoughts of those who have gone before me in the past in their journey. Men and women of the past who also had said, "Yes Lord." I was facinated with the concluding words in Hebrew 11.
Hebrews 11:40
God had a better plan for us: that their faith and our faith would come together to make one completed whole, their lives of faith not complete apart from ours. (THE MESSAGE)
The previous verse says that none of the heroes of faith listed in Hebrews 11 got their hands on what was promised to them, even though their lives were lived in an exemplorary manner. Yet, they were commended for their faith. The writer concludes by letting us, the readers, know that their lives of faith will not be complete or made whole, without our completing our faith journey. Wow! Stay true to God in 2008. Your faith will make me complete. My faith will make you complete.
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